We all intuitively know that social media is bad for us. Nothing that involves sitting down and staring at a small lit rectangle for excessive amounts of time can really be that healthy. So let’s look a bit closer at the Why?
The ‘Social Media Cleanse’ has become a trend in recent years and for a good reason. Studies indicate that social media can have a huge impact on your mental health. Within moderation, it can be fun to stay updated on your friends and family’s lives, find out what your favourite celebrity is doing, and maybe have a cheeky Tiktok binge every once in a while. BUT. Spending too much time on social media apps like Facebook or Instagram means you could be neglecting your own life and responsibilities.
Scrolling through pictures of Vanessa from high school’s ‘brunch with the gals’ isn’t going to change the fact that you are not at brunch. In fact, you could be using this time wasted looking at Vanessa’s Instagram, to take your own friends out for brunch. Humans need interaction with others: social isolation can be a big contributing factor to mental health issues. While social media may often give off the illusion of connection with others, it will never be as good as the real thing.
As the saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy. Self-esteem issues, particularly in younger people, can be directly linked to excessive social media use. In a world of curated Instagram feeds and filters, it can be difficult to see where you- the everyday human- belong. Perfection is unrealistic and if you feel yourself comparing too much, it may be time for a social media break.
A social media cleanse could be as small as setting yourself a goal to stop using your phone after 6 pm. You don’t have to go full cold turkey straight away! Our phones have become so intertwined with the rest of our lives that completely disconnecting may be very difficult.
The most important thing is to be aware of how you are feeling: if you’re finding that you’re stressed and running out of time to complete important tasks, this may be an indication of spending too much time scrolling. Take some time away from it and be aware of how you’re feeling. You may find that your mood is the same regardless of whether you are active on social media or not, or, you may come out of it feeling like a new person.