
No Whey! Plant vs Whey Protein.

No one could deny the vast benefits of protein. This star nutrient has proven to be the building blocks for muscle and is a critical part of the many processes that fuel your body’s energy and immune system. But have you ever considered trying plant protein over whey protein?

A protein is considered “complete” when it contains all 9 of the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are the amino acids that the body cannot produce itself and must be consumed in the diet.

Animal sourced protein ie whey, is a complete protein, packed with essential amino acids and macro nutrients. Most plant proteins alone do not make up complete proteins, however when combining different amounts of each it IS possible to produce a complete plant protein.

Plant protein typically contains less amino acids per gram than animal protein. This can be combated by formulating a plant protein with a mix of protein sources, such as Faba and Pea to give a richer and more diverse level of amino acids.  There are a range of plant protein sources including pea, soy, hemp, faba bean and rice and they all have different nutritional benefits and uses.

Looking at whey and plant protein side by side, whey protein does have a faster metabolising rate against plant protein. However, the benefit of plant protein is that it takes the body longer to digest so it can keep you satiated (fuller) for longer, assisting in weight management.

When it comes to taste and feel, whey protein can often have an unusual synthetic taste due to its processing which is often disguised with artificial flavours and sweeteners, whereas plant based protein has a more earthy flavour which does not require a load of nasties to cover up. Plant proteins are also less inflammatory to the digestive system, preventing the potential uncomfortable or embarrassing symptoms that are a common side effect of dairy or lactose intolerances. 

Finally, one big benefit of plant protein is that you can sleep with a clear conscience knowing that (when using a vegan product) no animals have been involved in production and less land and resources have been used for plant based farming compared to dairy farming. Therefore, choosing plant protein reduces your environmental footprint.

In short …  what makes Plant Protein better than Whey?

 Plant ProteinWhey Protein
Derived fromPlantsAnimal – cow
Vegan FriendlyYESNO – Derived from Dairy (cows milk) – Contains lactose.
Complete Protein? *

(contain all 9 essential amino acids)
Depends on the Plant Protein combination (Cleanfit uses Faba Bean and Pea Protein, which are gives a complete protein profile – rich in aminos)

Typically less BCAA’s than Whey

High in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)

YES – Complete Protein

Amino and BCAA rich
Protein ContentApprox. 60 – 70%Approx. 70 – 80%
FunctionMuscle growth and recoveryMuscle growth and recovery
DigestionEasier digestion being dairy free, causes less inflammation than whey.Some people have digestive problems and gastric irritation with whey protein. Also issue for those with dairy intolerance.
Calorie ContentLow Calorie *dependant on productGenerally high calories & high in saturated fat
 TasteEarthy. Varied texture dependant on protein sourceMild in flavour, can have synthetic aftertaste Creamy texture from dairy base
Environmental and sustainabilitySmall environmental footprintLarge environmental footprint

Supplementing your diet with protein can increase muscle performance, can boost recovery and support weight loss. Cleanfit protein has been carefully formulated with a combination of Faba bean and Pea protein to form a complete protein and create a powder that delivers a healthy mix of fats and amino acids. Give it a try and start your Cleanfit journey!

The information contained on this web site is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your personal health or a medical condition.