With a busy lifestyle, It can be very easy to feel disconnected from nature. Many people underestimate just how much impact the environment around us can have on our health and wellbeing. Spending time in nature, whether that be at the beach or a nice park, has direct mental and physical health benefits.
Being outside reduces stress and anxiety as well as symptoms of depression. By simply spending some time outside in your yard or going for a walk in a nearby park or field, you will feel more relaxed and focused to continue with your day. Exercising outside will also improve your focus so that you can perform better in your work and home life. Spending time outside with your friends and family is a great way to stay social and active, and makes you feel more a part of the community around you. You may even wish to participate in local nature walking groups or free yoga at the beach or park. Just being outside can reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension.
Getting outside keeps you active and keeps your body moving, cutting out excessive sitting time. Being inside for too long during the day is known to cause mental and physical health problems. It can often lead to you feeling isolated and withdrawn from society. Similar to this, not getting outside enough means you are most likely staring at a screen for longer periods of time. Looking at screens for too long has a huge negative impact on your brain functions and physical health as well.
Surprisingly, sunlight has some major health benefits. Spending time in the sun helps you get a good amount of vitamin D which supports bone health and your immune system. Being outside in the sunshine also increases your body’s production of melatonin, meaning your sleep and wake-up habits will improve. The healing power of nature is all around us, it doesn’t cost anything to spend 30 minutes outside, so why not do it!