Eating intuitively means trusting your body to know when you need food, and what food choices will be best for you. Eating has become commodified in diet culture, and there’s a lot of pressure nowadays to subscribe to these fad diets that may not be serving you in a healthy way. Diet culture can lead to negative body image and low self-esteem. It’s time to start accepting the body you have and nourishing it with yummy and nutritious food that you love!
Above all else, your eating habits should be positive. There should be no shame behind what you choose to eat because this will make the experience of food and cooking a bad one. In order to start eating intuitively, you need to trust that you know what’s best for you, and stop comparing yourself to the people you see on social media and around you.
Start by listening to your body’s tell-tale signs that you are hungry. Is your stomach growling? Are you starting to have trouble concentrating? Do you feel tired or faint? This is an indication that you need to eat. Fasting is not always the most sustainable way to lose weight or stay in shape. It may lead to other lasting health issues. Instead, try switching to a cleaner diet and increase your daily levels of movement.
Eating until you are full is also very important for intuitive eating. There’s no need to starve yourself, if you’re still hungry, keep eating! Your body is telling you that you are still hungry for a reason. Chances are, you need the extra nutrients or energy. Eat slower to allow yourself to get in tune with your fullness, and recognise when you actually want to stop, not when you think you have to.